Thursday, January 26, 2012

An American in Paris

     I started my introductory class today at l'École l'Étoile on rue Raspail, which I will be doing every day from 11-1 until February 20. While sitting in class, I kept forgetting I was actually in France, because it was so similar to the other French classes I've taken. Yesterday we took the placement test to put us in classes that will get us ready for our classes at the Catholic Institute. I was placed in the second highest level out of five (I think?). There are seven students in the class and three of us are from the Central program. It was hard because our professor, Valérie, kept repeating to us "Il faut parler!" ("Speaking is necessary!") but it was our first day and we didn't know what was expected. 

     After class, Mary Kate and I found a Monoprix where I found towels! I had been showering with a hand towel for the past few days and now I have real person sized towels! Beforehand, we ate at Loulou' on the boulevard Saint Germain, whose sign says "a friendly place" which was enough to get me to come inside. I ordered un cheeseburger and the waitress spoke to us in English, which was the first time anyone has shot down my French skills thus far. The restaurant was American-themed, which was funny and nice to have a little piece of home with a good old cheeseburger and fries. I still say we do fries better than the French! Walking around, I heard a man whistling la Marseillaise, the French national anthem. The French definitely have more of a cultural pride than we do at home (I've NEVER heard someone whistle "The Star-Spangled Banner.") and you can just sense it without any whistling.

     We had a meeting with Shelley at 3 and we discussed advising. I'm pretty much decided on my classes- one on tourism and gastronomy (!), two French language courses and a French literature course. I'm thinking about taking piano lessons at the Schola Cantorum, but I'm not sure if that'll be too overwhelming since I'll be interning three days a week, 9 AM to 6 PM (FML) and taking classes the other two days. I might also take a watercolor class through the city of Paris, because the government subsidizes things like art for its citizens.  

     Elise and I walked around the boulevard Saint Michel area at dusk, and I think that was the first moment where I realized how much I love Paris. During the past few days I've been under so much stress and seeing how absolutely beautiful the crooked little streets are just reminded me why I'm here. I'm dying to go visit Montmartre and the rue du Temple in the Marais where my family and I rented an apartment when we were here last time. It makes me wish I was living more towards the Right Bank area, but I'm sure I'll end up loving Montparnasse, too. 

By the way, did I mention that it rains here all the time? 

Notre Dame

Crooked little alley
First day of school outfit! I tried to look more  parisienne!


  1. To think you had never ordered a cheeseburger and now you eat one in paris! and your camera is doing a good job taking beautiful pictures! miss you!

  2. love your first day outfit, and you do look SO Parisian!!
